Any serious accident has the potential to inflict significant mental distress on victims

The Psychological Impact of Truck Accidents on Victims and Their Families

When you or someone you love is injured in a truck accident, life as you know it may change forever. These collisions are often catastrophic, causing serious injuries and property damage beyond what you are likely ever to see in a passenger vehicle crash. Beyond the physical damage, though, there’s a good chance that everyone involved will walk away with some mental trauma.

Any serious accident has the potential to inflict significant mental distress on victims. That’s why it’s important for truck accident victims to get the support they need to make it through this time. Our team can help you pursue the compensation you need to move forward—call Bailey, Javins & Carter at 678-210-3292 to set up a consultation with our team in Atlanta.

How Truck Accident Victims Are Psychologically Affected

Injured victims generally bear the brunt of the trauma in a collision. The risk is even greater when a tractor-trailer is involved; once you realize a crash is inevitable, all of the possibilities flood your mind, and you know that death or permanent disability are very real possibilities. Even if you end up with mild to moderate injuries, the fear of death will likely stay with you for some time.

Quite a few victims end up developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after serious collisions. Severe injuries, the risk of death, and the sounds and sights associated with these accidents are enough to warrant a diagnosis. Victims often experience flashbacks, intrusive thoughts about the accident, severe anxiety, isolation from others, and a need to avoid anything that may trigger memories of the incident.

Accident victims may also be diagnosed with anxiety-related and mood-related disorders. Being involved in a serious crash can make you feel completely out of control in your own life, which may trigger unwanted introspection and obsession over what could have gone wrong.

The Impact on Victims’ Families

Victims of truck accidents often lean heavily on their families as they focus on their recovery and try to move forward. It should be no surprise that their family members may also experience significant trauma after the accident.

Part of it is simply fear—the knowledge that you could have lost a partner, parent, or sibling to an accident is terrifying, and it is hard to move past that. Some family members report feelings of guilt; they wonder if they could have changed what happened by going with their loved one, keeping them at home a little longer, or otherwise changing the events of the day.

Financial stress is practically an inevitable outcome after a truck collision. The medical bills alone may be too much for a family’s budget to bear, and that’s before you consider the lost wages, property damage, and mental health treatment. If one partner previously accounted for half of the family’s income or worked as a homemaker, they may now be thrust into the position of sole earner. This is incredibly stressful and enough to put a lot of strain on the family dynamic.

Support and Resources for Those Affected by Truck Accidents

Mental health treatment is often warranted for everyone involved in a truck collision. The victim should obviously speak to a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist promptly after a collision. Their mental health provider can track their symptoms over time to see if they naturally pass or if they linger long enough to warrant a diagnosis. They may also connect a victim to other resources, such as peer support groups.

Family members may also want to seek counseling services, particularly if their role within the family completely changes because of the accident. Not only is this beneficial for their own mental health, but it also allows them to be a better caregiver to their injured family members.

Were You Hurt in a Truck Collision? Contact Bailey, Javins & Carter Today

Mental health treatment is prohibitively expensive for many Americans, and that’s especially true when you’re already dealing with the financial fallout of a truck accident. A personal injury claim may help you get the compensation you need to cover these and other expenses. Set up a consultation to talk to our team now by calling us at 678-210-3292 or filling out our online contact form.