A sudden jolt or shaking of the head, a blow to the head, or an injury that breaks through the skull can result in permanent damage to the brain and its functioning. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are among the most serious injuries a person can suffer, and the effects can take a lasting toll on victims and their families. When brain injuries aren’t fatal, their effects can last for months, years, or a lifetime, and victims must often endure a long and expensive recovery. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI, it’s absolutely essential that you understand your legal rights to compensation. Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C. has extensive experience with all manner of personal injury cases, including TBI. Brain injuries should be taken seriously, and our legal team will pursue the parties responsible for your condition from every angle. Contact our Atlanta office immediately for a free consultation. Brain injuries can be caused by a variety of accidents and other events. Here are some of the most common causes of traumatic brain injury that we see among our clients: These are just a few of the common causes, but there are many more. If you or someone you love is suffering from a TBI caused by the actions of someone else, contact our office to discuss your situation with an experienced accident attorney. Any injury that damages and traumatizes the brain can be classified as a traumatic brain injury. These can be painful, unnerving, and have the potential to permanently alter the course of a victim’s life. Some of the brain injuries that are considered TBIs include: These are just a few of the most common types of TBIs. Others include a subdural hematoma, anoxic brain injury, and brain infections. With advances in medicine, traumatic brain injuries have become easier to diagnose, but the treatment can still be extensive. Some of the most common symptoms of a TBI include: Treatment for a TBI varies depending on the type and nature of the injury. But left untreated, any one of these conditions can worsen and become even more debilitating. According to figures from Northwestern University, the lifetime costs to treat a TBI can range between $85,000 and $3 million. These figures don’t include the cost of accommodations, rehabilitation, and lost earning capacity. The physical, mental, and emotional changes due to TBIs can be hard to come to terms with, thus making it difficult for the victims to find or retain jobs. It may take years of therapies, ranging from re-learning patterns of speech, to regaining basic motor movements, for TBI injury victims before they can even start to handle their new reality. The physical, mental, and emotional changes due to TBIs can be hard to come to terms with, thus making it difficult for the victims to find or retain jobs. It may take years of therapies, ranging from re-learning patterns of speech, to regaining basic motor movements, for TBI injury victims before they can even start to handle their new reality. A brain injury can impact many areas of your life, and the results can last a lifetime. Because of this, it’s vital that you understand your options for compensation if your injury was caused by another party’s actions. If the injury happened at work, you can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. If it wasn’t work-related but was caused by the recklessness or negligence of someone else, a personal injury lawsuit can help you recover compensation for: Family members that have lost a loved one due to a TBI may also be able to file a lawsuit for additional compensation for funeral expenses and wrongful death. If you or someone you care about has sustained a traumatic brain injury, you’re likely overwhelmed with everything that has changed. The costs associated with the medical care and rehabilitation for this injury can be incredibly high, and you may also be facing the loss of a primary breadwinner. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C. are committed to helping you access the services you need to deal with your new situation. We also want to see you obtain the financial resources you need to allow you to focus on healing and moving forward. We will vigorously pursue the parties responsible for your accident and fight for a maximum compensation award for you and your loved ones. You won’t pay us anything for our services until we achieve a positive outcome on your behalf. Contact our Atlanta office now at 678-981-5370 or reach out to us online to schedule your free no-obligation consultation.Atlanta Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys
Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury
Different Types of Brain Injuries
Identifying and Treating Brain Injuries
How Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Impact Future Earnings
Who is Responsible for Your TBI?
Speak With a Qualified Atlanta Brain Injury Lawyer Now
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