If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, we truly feel your pain and understand how powerless you may feel right now. Those who experienced truck accidents often live with the memories and flashbacks for years or even decades afterward. Whether you’re facing catastrophic injuries, job loss, or chronic pain as the result of your accident, you could be entitled to compensation. The team at Bailey Javins & Carter is committed to helping accident victims like you fight for the compensation they deserve. Call us at 678-981-5370 to set up a consultation immediately. Different types of truck accidents in Buford come with very different risks and potential outcomes. Some of the most common truck accidents seen on Georgia roads include: If you look at the statistics on truck accidents, you’ll see vastly different outcomes. In general, truck accidents are less likely to occur than car collisions. This is likely due to the rigorous training that truck drivers undergo before they are permitted to drive alone. However, when these accidents do happen, they are significantly more likely to cause catastrophic or fatal. injuries. A big part of this is the size disparity. There’s a huge size gap between small passenger vehicles and tractor-trailers. Not only are tractor-trailers several times longer than a passenger vehicle, they are dozens of times heavier. If a crash occurs, this means that the occupants of the smaller vehicle will take the brunt of the force of the collision. Another major difference is the long list of FMCSA regulations governing the trucking industry. These regulations didn’t come from nowhere—they were developed in response to preventable truck accidents. They strive to ensure that drivers and trucking companies take reasonable steps to protect others on the road. Navigating these regulations is part of a truck accident claim, since violations may strengthen a victim’s claim. On top of that, truck accident claims have far more parties involved than a regular car accident claim. Rather than just working with the other party’s insurance company and your own insurance company, you’re essentially going up against a business. The larger the truck company, the more resources they have to fight legitimate accident claims. To get the compensation you deserve, you’ll need to put in extensive legwork to prove your case. Insurance is another complex factor in these cases. Trucks carry much larger insurance policies than smaller vehicles. Additionally, trucking companies may have general liability insurance that can also be accessed in a claim. There are numerous potential liable parties in a truck accident claim. One of the benefits of working with a Buford truck accident attorney is their ability to identify these parties and figure out who is actually liable. Possibilities include: Having the right truck accident attorney on your side can make a big difference when you decide to pursue a truck accident claim. With decades of personal injury experience behind us, we know how important it is that you get the compensation you deserve after an accident. As you face medical bills, unexpected time away from work, and a totaled vehicle, you want to hold the responsible party accountable—so do we. Our team will go through the long list of evidence available in truck accidents and find what we need to build the strongest case we can. We’ll look into violations of regulations, unsafe cargo loading, the driver’s history, the truck’s maintenance logs, and more to figure out what went wrong and who is liable. From there, we’ll demand the compensation you deserve and negotiate on your behalf. The team at Bailey Javins & Carter is here when you decide to move forward with your truck accident case. Get started now by calling us at 678-981-5370 or sending our team a message online.Buford, GA Truck Accident Lawyers
Common Types of Truck Collisions
What Makes Truck Accidents So Different from Car Accidents?
Liability for Truck Crashes
Why You Should Choose Bailey Javins & Carter
Reach Out Today to Start Your Claim
Buford Truck Accidents
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Local: 678-981-5370
3350 Riverwood Pkwy SE
Suite GL-25
Atlanta, GA 30339